Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club

BHFC Week 3 Trials

Click on ‘TRIALS DRAW HERE’ button for Week 3 Trials schedule.
Good luck with the games and remember to have fun!


  • YOUR TRIAL IS NOT CONFIRMED UNTIL YOU EMAIL confirming your team is available to play the game.

    • All trials that have not been confirmed by midnight Thursday 24th March will be cancelled, under the assumption that your team can’t make it.

    • As a courtesy to your opposition, if you know earlier in the week that you can’t play the match then please email to let us know.

  • The Trials Schedule might change. Please check the schedule during the week. We will aim to send out updates when things change, but the safest thing to do is just to double check the schedule closer to the weekend.

  • Note that we cannot accommodate requests for changes to match times.

  • Not all teams have confirmed trial opponents currently, but most teams do have a time slot allocated.

    • I will continue searching for opponents for you, but if you manage to find one yourself, then please email to let me know the details.

  • If you are organising your own trial(s), then you must email to let me know details so that we avoid ground and/or team clashes, and also to ensure that all trials are properly sanctioned.

  • Team Sheets: No need to do team sheets for trials, but please keep a written record of all players that played for your team on the day, for insurance purposes just in case.

  • Fields:

    • CSI Schofield, 81 South St, Scofields.

    • Richard Johnson Anglican School, 2 Corocan St, Marsden Park

    • Ted Horwood 4 and 5

      • 5A: half field closest to the car park

      • 5B: half field furthest from the car park

  • Games must finish on time. If your game starts late for any reason, that is not an excuse to run over time. Please be considerate of those playing after you. The trial schedule makes it very clear when your game should end. Please stick to it.

  • Referees: There are no referees allocated to games at this point. It is generally the responsibility of participating teams to find someone to referee their game.

  • No Alcohol: Strictly no alcohol at games at any field. This is especially important at the fields owned by high schools (Muirfield and Northmead) as we will lose our good relationships with the high schools if people are spotted drinking alcohol at the schools.

  • Clean Up after yourselves, especially at the high schools.

  • Stay away from farm animals at both schools and ensure that small children are kept away as well.

  • Please send any questions to me at

Lastly, please remember that all club helpers are volunteers, including me. We do not get paid for this, so please be nice


Mick Hollins

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club

BHFC Trials Week 2

The schedule for Week 2 trials (18/19/20 March) can be viewed at this link. Good luck with the games and remember to have fun!


  • YOUR TRIAL IS NOT CONFIRMED UNTIL YOU EMAIL confirming your team is available to play the game.

    • All trials that have not been confirmed by midnight Thursday 17th March will be cancelled, under the assumption that your team can’t make it.

    • As a courtesy to your opposition, if you know earlier in the week that you can’t play the match then please email to let us know.

  • The Trials Schedule might change. Please check the schedule during the week. We will aim to send out updates when things change, but the safest thing to do is just to double check the schedule closer to the weekend.

  • Note that we cannot accommodate requests for changes to match times.

  • Not all teams have confirmed trial opponents currently, but most teams do have a time slot allocated.

    • I will continue searching for opponents for you, but if you manage to find one yourself, then please email to let me know the details.

  • If you are organising your own trial(s), then you must email to let me know details so that we avoid ground and/or team clashes, and also to ensure that all trials are properly sanctioned.

  • Team Sheets: No need to do team sheets for trials, but please keep a written record of all players that played for your team on the day, for insurance purposes just in case.

  • Fields:

    • Hills Grammar: The Hills Grammar School, Kenthurst

    • Northmead 1. Northmead High School.

    • Ted Horwood 4 and 5

      • 5A: half field closest to the car park

      • 5B: half field furthest from the car park

  • Games must finish on time. If your game starts late for any reason, that is not an excuse to run over time. Please be considerate of those playing after you. The trial schedule makes it very clear when your game should end. Please stick to it.

  • Referees: There are no referees allocated to games at this point. It is generally the responsibility of participating teams to find someone to referee their game.

  • No Alcohol: Strictly no alcohol at games at any field. This is especially important at the fields owned by high schools (Muirfield and Northmead) as we will lose our good relationships with the high schools if people are spotted drinking alcohol at the schools.

  • Clean Up after yourselves, especially at the high schools.

  • Stay away from farm animals at both schools and ensure that small children are kept away as well.

  • Please send any questions to me at

Lastly, please remember that all club helpers are volunteers, including me. We do not get paid for this, so please be nice


Mick Hollins

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club

BHFC Trials 2022

BHFC Interim Trials information and Week 1 draw is now available.
Click on picture below to access Trials page and draw or alternatively you can find the information under the Resources & Policies menu.

Any enquiries regarding trials, please contact Mick

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club



Coaches will contact players to advise when their team’s training sessions begin. If you don’t hear from your coach or you don’t know who your coach is, please contact your age coordinator listed on the Contact Us page of this website .

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club


IR applications are now open for GIRLS & BOYS!

Please check your emails. All registered BHFC players eligible to participate in this program have been emailed 18/2/22. Attached (to the email), are the 'BHFC IR Application Guidelines' and 'BHFC IR EOI Form'.

Please read through both these documents carefully and return email to Mary-Elizabeth

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club


See info below for where to go and who to look for when you get to Ted Horwood on Thursday night.

  • Under 9’s 6pm – 7pm Southern End of field 4 ( Closest to Field 5)
    Mark Dunston and Dan Sheppard

  • Under 11’s - 6pm-7pm Northern End of Field 4 (Closest to Tennis Courts )
    Matt Smith and Paul Laskarides

  • Under 12’s and 13’s - ( Merged Group ) 7pm- 8pm Field 2 -
    Ash Vallis and Emma Vallis

  • Under 14’s - 7pm-8pm Field 3 –
    Dave Cooper and Kylee Wilton

  • Under 15’s - 8pm-9pm Field 2 –
    Cory Heuston-Richardson and Paul Henson

  • Youth Girls - 8pm-9pm Field 3 –
    Glenn Sharpe and Andrew Murray

For more information, please contact Jake -

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club


2022 Grading Schedule is now available. See below.
This year, grading will only be 2 weeks with a 3rd week put aside for wet weather washouts.
Grading sessions will be 1 hour only.
Players must attend both sessions.
If you are unable to make a grading session, please let us know.
If you’re unwell DO NOT COME -Be Covid safe.
Volunteers required to help with grading.

For more grading information, please click here

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club

BHFC Monthly Zoom Meeting

First meeting of the year! Monday January 31st @ 7.30pm.
Everyone is welcome. See you there!
If you haven’t already received the Zoom invite, please contact Cameron Hume

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club

We’re Back!!

We're back! Join us in 2022. head over to the Register Now section. We have step by step guides and FAQs. Everything you need to know is there for you.

Join us in 2022!

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club


Pre-season Premier League training commences Tuesday 9th November.
Training will be on every Tuesday AND Thursday til 16th December. 7.30pm - 9pm TH#4Post Christmas training start date is to be confirmed.

You will need:

* to be double vaccinated and produce evidence of such when you attend your first session.
* sign in with the Ted Horwood QR code on the fence at the ground.
(masks not necessary at this stage)

If you are unwell or have been in contact with someone who is unwell STAY AWAY.
Please observe all NSW Health covid protocols, and if you have been advised to be tested or isolate, you must do so.

If you receive notification that you are a close contact (and you have attended training), you must contact Tony Hughes immediately 0432 056 959

We're looking forward to seeing you all. Spread the word!

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