Castle Hill RSL. 

Lyceum Auditorium

Session 1 10.30am U15/15G, U16, YG, U18.   

Session 2 11.30am U12/12G, U13/13G, U14 

Session 3 1.00pm U8/8G, U9/9G, U10, U11/11G 

Players sit with their coach, manager and team mates, in the seats provided. Parents are welcome to attend and are asked to remain at the back of the auditorium. If neither the coach or manager are in attendance a parent representative of the team will sit with the players.

All coaches, managers and players are encouraged to wear their BHFC club polo if they have one, Polos have been reduced to $10 for the next couple of weeks for anyone who would like to purchase one online before presentation. Please be assured that while it is preferable, it is not compulsory to wear the polo

Please let your coach/manager know if you can’t attend presentation. We have a lot to transport and won’t take awards for those not attending as they risk being lost. Arrangements will be made with teams not attending, after presentation to pass on awards.

If you are able to help during your session with either marshalling teams, directing players on to stage or manning the welcome table with the floorpan to direct teams to their seats please let Cath know 0434 539 435. 

Thanks everyone,

We’ll see you all there as we celebrate season 2024.


BHFC Instructional Referees 2025


Senior Presentation Night