Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club

Funskills Pyjama & Crazy Socks Day

June 18th


June 18th 〰️

Reminder, shin pads and joggers/boots are compulsory

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club

Winter School Holiday Clinic

Thank you to our Coaching Coordinator David and HFI for organising and running our July School Holiday Clinic. This clinic had to be moved from the Easter holidays earlier in the season.

Bring a friend and register now!

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club



27 May , 2022 By Football NSW

The inclement weather over recent months continues to significantly impact the 2022 winter football season.

Following two COVID-19 interrupted years, Football NSW acknowledges that the ongoing match rescheduling and cancellations have further frustrated football participants across the state.  

Persistent rain has left local Councils across NSW with no option but to close football fields in the interests of player safety, and in protection of the grass surfaces. 

Whilst some regions have a number of all-weather surfaces, even in the best served areas these represent a small minority of the total fields available.

For the natural grass surfaces, where there has been work done on upgrading drainage we can see the benefits, and where there have been lighting upgrades we are able to see games played mid-week to catch up on the backlog. 

As highlighted in the NSW Football Infrastructure Strategy, at the time of our last state-wide audit of the 1,582 full-sized playing fields in NSW: 

  • 292 (18%) had no floodlighting

  • 291 (18%) had floodlighting below 50 Lux

  • 796 (50%) had no automated irrigation

  • 969 (61%) had no functional drainage

  • 145 (9%) had no floodlighting, automated irrigation and drainage

Source: NSW Football Infrastructure Strategy, p20 

The combination of historically bad weather and inadequate infrastructure has resulted in critically low levels of field availability.

This puts an incredible burden on Member Associations’ and competition administrators’ capacity to deliver the 2022 winter season in its entirety. 

Despite these challenges, we continue to work closely with Associations and Councils, collaborating on all possible solutions to maximise the number of matches played throughout the season.

Our number one priority is to see community football returning to fields across the state on a consistent basis.  

As we continue to face these obstacles, Football NSW, together with our Associations, ask for understanding across the community.

Whilst every effort is being made to deliver a full winter season, field availability and a diminishing number of available weekends will likely result in adjustments and / or a shortening of competitions. 

The frustrations of players, coaches and parents are being felt across the entire Football NSW community, and we remain committed to supporting our Associations in the delivery of their 2022 winter seasons.  

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club

Social Media

I would like to reach out to BHFC members and supporters to remind everyone to use all social media platforms with respect and consideration of others.

As a club we have found social media to be an effective and engaging vehicle to communicate with member and showcase our club, highlighting and promoting BHFC amongst members and a wider audience. We look forward to the stories and photos shared, and celebrate our fellow Kooka’s triumphs and tribulations. We encourage members to use social media with integrity to ensure the well being and safety of all.

DO NOT hide behind fake accounts, and user names in order to behave irresponsibly or abusively. This is totally unacceptable. Our club and association stand together in not tolerating irresponsible, intimidating, bullying or abusive online behaviour. If you are the subject of inappropriate contact, bullying or abuse, or if you witness others subjected to the same: REPORT IT.

HFI Social Media policy is linked here for you.


Thank you,
Tony Hughes
BHFC President

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club

Funskills Cancelled 21/5

Funskills Cancelled 21/5


Funskills Cancelled 21/5 〰️

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club

Shoosh for Kids

May is Shoosh for Kids Month.

Less is more. That’s particularly true when it comes to sideline and spectator behaviour. Shoosh for Kids is a timely reminder that we don’t need to make continual commentary (good or bad), on every move or play in which our children are involved.

Abuse is never ok. But sometimes ‘helpful’ suggestions continually shouted from the side line can be just as unsettling for our children. The white noise gets in the way of the children making decisions for themselves. Making decisions is how they learn. Sometimes their decisions will result in missed or squandered opportunities during a game. But that’s ok. Even as coaches and managers our team officials, in their enthusiasm, ‘over coach’. Trust the process. Your demonstrations and guidance at training are valuable. Let the children try these strategies and skills during a match without the constant off field advice getting in the way of their own thought processes.

Lets remember: Less is more. LESS white noise for the kids leads to MORE self confidence and better decision making.

Please: Shoosh for kids.

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club

National Volunteers Week

This week is National Volunteers’ Week.
Baulko is a community based football club run entirely by volunteers. It’s exhausting, challenging, relentless work for enormous benefit to over 1,000 BHFC members. From our competitions to our celebrations, from our website to our uniforms, our canteen to our field marking, our grading to our trials, from mentoring to our committees, it’s all done by volunteers.
It’s those selfless members who see a need and pitch in and get the job done, for no other reason, than: it needs to be done. It's hours preparing training sessions, sitting through meetings, planning and implementing, reviewing and modifying. It’s rosters, draws, schedules and timetables. Grading, trials, re-scheduled games etc etc… It’s 11 months of work for a 6 month competition. For every person who has mowed our lines, measured out fields, participated in working bees, set up goals, emptied our bins…. Coached, managed, cooked, cleaned, built, planned, served, supervised, coordinated, administered, guided or inspired. It’s all of you who are the Baulko army of volunteers. We thank you and we know sometimes it’s not easy, but it is so very rewarding.
Thank you for every job you do.

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club

Annual PL Shirt Auction

Every year our Premier League squad bids for their jerseys, raising money for the charity of their choice.
This year though impacted by covid, their auction evening raised over $600. They have unanimously decided to donate the money to RDA with our donations from 2nd hand uniform and boot sales. Well done lads!

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club

2nd Hand Sale

Huge thank you to our families who have donated 2nd hand items to sell to help us raise money for Riding for the Disabled. We have quite a few good condition items available at all times.
Check out the 'Shop' section on our website. Select the 'Second Hand Sale' drop down option to see what we have. Contact to select an item to buy.

At the end of the year we will donate all money raised together with donations from the canteen each weekend, to Riding for the Disabled. Big or small your contribution is appreciated. Thank you everyone.

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club


Unfortunately due to the weather, Funskills is cancelled

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club

Funskills is ON!!

Funskills is ON!

It's very wet at the field , bring something warm to change into after the game.

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club

Canteen Closed This Weekend

Sorry everyone... the canteen is closed this weekend due to food delivery truck issues.
Teams on Canteen/Ground duty still need to send 2 people for Ground Official, but you don't need the extra 2 for canteen. That is for this week only.
Next weekend canteen/Ground Official duty will require 4 people to fill each shift.

If you're playing at Ted Horwood this weekend, remember to bring drink and food as you require.

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club


Our fields have finally been mowed and marked. Now we need help to mark the miniroos fields and re-mow sections to remove piles of grass... If you are free on Monday please come along and help. We're particularly looking for help from our minirooos/ minitildas families to help with the marking of our small sided fields. We also need 3 people to bring lawn mowers.

If you can help please text Tony 0432 056 959

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club

WARNING! Scam Alert!

WARNING: Members have been receiving scam emails. No executive committee member will ask you for money or gift cards. These emails are SCAMS. It is easy to identify the scam by the email address the emails come from. DO NOT OPEN OR RESPOND TO THESE EMAILS.

If you are unsure about any correspondence you receive please contact your age coordinator or text us direct. BUT DON'T USE THE EMAIL OR PHONE NUMBERS IN THE SCAM MESSAGE.

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club

Funskills Week 1 Cancelled

Disappointingly, our littlest Kookas won't get to start this weekend... Stay safe everyone and have a lovely Easter break. We cant wait to see you after Easter when the weather will be perfect for football again!

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club

Round 2 Ted Horwood Washed Out!

Unfortunately, again this weekend all turf fields are closed to football. Astro games will proceed at this stage. If other games are moved for Sunday your coach and manager will be contacted.

Good luck to the 3 Baulko teams playing this weekend: U13/2, U15G/1 and O35/3.

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club

Round 1 at Ted Horwood Postponed

We knew it was coming, but it is no less disappointing... R1 at Ted Horwood Reserve has been postponed.
The ground is closed all weekend.
For more information, contact your team coach or manager.

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