Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club

Trials Week 1

The trial draw for the first weekend of trials (10/11/12 March) has been placed on the club website. Click below to see it:

The monthly club meeting is on Zoom this Monday 6th March at 7:30pm. Please join the meeting to learn more about the trials:

Each team is required to send a manager or coach to the meeting.

For more information, visit the Trials webpage at the button below

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club

Interim Training Schedule

There is no training at Ted Horwood from Monday 27th Feb - Fri 3rd March.

The following week (from March 6), our interim training schedule will begin with the attached roster. Council closes fields 2 and 3 during March for re-seeding of the fields.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club

U12 Mixed Grading Reminder

All players registered in the U12 Mixed competition are asked to attend an extra grading session on Tuesday Feb 21. Thanks

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club

Tom Newhouse Funeral

Members are advised the funeral for Tom Newhouse OAM is:
Monday February 13th, 2pm in the Garden Chapel at Castlebrook Cemetery Rouse Hill.
Following the service there will be a wake at Baulkham Hills Sports Club from 3pm.

Members are asked to wear their club shirt and club colours as we farewell Tom and celebrate his life well lived.


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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club

VALE Tom Newhouse

Today is a very sad day for our club as we advise members of the passing of Tom Newhouse OAM. Tom was part of the very fabric of Baulko as someone who made a significant contribution in our club’s growth. Tom came to Baulko in 1966 and served our club for more than 50 years, being instrumental in the development of football in the hills area over many decades.

Tom was introduced to a love of the roundball by his father’s commitment to the game in the Granville district as a young child. Jack Newhouse was a Life Member of Granville & District Soccer Football Association, having first been involved in the Association in 1906. Anyone who knew Tom knew just how important his father’s legacy in football was to him. Tom, like his father, built an incredible legacy for community football.

Tom’s early football was at various GDSFA clubs both as a player and referee. In 1957 however, he and Sheila moved to Baulkham Hills, and that’s when we at Baulko struck gold! Tom joined Baulko just a few short years after the inception of the soccer division (1962). The fledgling Baulkham Hills Soccer Division welcomed Tom’s inimitable enthusiasm.

For some 50 years Tom continuously held at least one Executive, Committee or Service role in the soccer division of the original Baulkham Hills Sporting Club, now Baulkham Hills Sports.

Tom’s Honour Roll of Executive duties is extensive. He still holds the title of longest serving executive member of the soccer/football division. He was Secretary /Treasurer (1967 – 1971), President (1972 - 1976), Registrar (1977 – 2007), Assistant Registrar (2008- 2009) and Club Service Record Archivist (1978 - 2018).

Tom not only assisted in the formative years of the club through his administrative duties, he also contributed to the Club’s playing success in a variety of practical ways. For more than 30 years, beginning in 1966, Tom coached teams ranging from Under 10’s to the BHFC Premier League. Tom also coached Baulko’s first ladies team in 1969, which included his sister-in-law, and wife Sheila.

For many, memories of Baulko soccer/football are inextricably linked with Tom: clearing fields, gala days, car rallies, service awards… the list is long. Everything from the pre-season 10 pm dashes to Tom’s place with a fist full of cash and list of names, hoping to get teams in before registration cut off, or the familiar Friday afternoon pick up of oranges and Roundball Reviews from Tom’s verandah.

As a much loved and respected clubman, Tom’s name is forever linked to our club as patron of our Junior goal difference award. For his extensive service to the club, Tom was awarded the Soccer Division’s first Life Membership in 1980. In the soccer division’s 40th year, 2002, Field 4 at Ted Horwood Reserve Baulkham Hills was dedicated in honour of Tom, being formally named: “Tom Newhouse Field”. Tom was recognised at an association level as GDSFA Club Person of the Year winning the Laurie Ferguson Award in 2001. He is also the patron of the GDSFA Super League championship trophy named in his honour.

The list of awards bestowed on Tom is extensive. Not just club awards and association awards, he has also won State awards and two national awards: ‘The Australian Sports Medal’ in 2000, and his Order of Australia medal, received in 2002. All of these awards recognised the incredible contribution he made to the football community over many decades.

Long after he left committee Tom remained our official service record archivist. A job he did for more decades than any of us are able to calculate. Our best guess is that he had been collating the service records since 1978.. He was diligent in his calculations and right til his last years, as in decades previous, calculated all the records ‘by hand’ with his trusty HB pencil and wooden ruler in one hand, and red pen in the other. No fandagle computer nonsense for Tom! Even more remarkable than the time he took to pour over each player’s record was his ability to recall detailed player histories including coaches and titles for the majority of long term players. He took geat pride in serving our club and thoroughly enjoyed presentation every year until recently, awarding service awards to both juniors and seniors.

So well known in the local area, be it at the shops or at a playing field, Tom couldn’t walk further than a few metres without someone calling out: “Hey Tom! Great to see you mate!” In recent years, as Tom’s health declined, a visit to Ted Horwood Reserve always roused him. Most recently last year, when once again he was wheeled around his home fields his memory became clear and the images of his past once again filled his thoughts. He stood to once again walk on the field and touch the goals. His happiness was tangible.

We at BHFC, owe Tom Newhouse an enormous debt of gratitude for all he did to promote the sport locally, build our club, and influence the many generations of players who have benefitted enormously from his unselfish and ceaseless service to Baulko.

We extend to his wife Sheila, his son Brad, daughter Jenny and their families our deepest sympathies. From all at Baulko we thank Tom for everything he did for us, he will be missed by many and remembered fondly forever in the story of our club.

Baulko to Win!” *

Vale Tom Newhouse

(*Tom’s sign off at the end of every report for decades.)

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club

Instructional Referee Applications

Welcome to the 2023 season! The season will kick off on the 31st of March.

Baulkham Hills Football Club (BHFC) has a proud history of preparing strong, confident, skilled Instructional Referees (IRs) who continue through to referee with the Hills Football Association. IRs referee small-sided youth games (U8 through to U11) under supervision of experienced referees.

2023 Application

BHFC executive are inviting registered players to show an expression of interest to participate in the 2023 IR program.

BHFC encourages both boys and girls to consider and apply for the IR program. Those wishing to participate must:

-        Be registered players with BHFC, and

-        Be 12 years of age on before 1 April 2023.

Instructional referees who participated in the 2022 season must still apply.

Applications close Sunday the 22nd of February 2023

Participation in the IR program is contingent on successful completion of mandated training sessions.

Please note that due to restrictions in the number of IRs required each season, not all applicants can be accepted into the program.

Next Steps

Please fill the application form located here (

Attend one of the instructing referee courses held by the association. The dates and course information can be found here ( Please select “Instructing Referee” as the course.
The courses posted here are theory only. The dates for the practical will be available once the theory courses are completed.

Due to a change in Hills refereeing policy both “theory and practical” courses need to be completed for new IRs and “practical only” for returning IRs

Also please note the courses are being held in early February with no plans to extend. We recommend that you do the course regardless of being accepted by BHFC. The course is free.

A further information night will take place at our club after registrations are completed and our IR team has been selected. This meeting will be for both IRs and their parents as we will go through pay procedures, game day appointments, what we ask of the parents etc.

BHFC Instructional Referee Administrators

Over the past 5 years, Mary-Elizabeth has assisted Jim in running and organising the IR programme. Mary-Elizabeth’s real workload has increased over the past year and has decided to take a very deserved break from this role, we would like to thank her for all her effort over the past 5 years and wishing her all the best in 2023 and beyond.

For the 2023 season, I will be helping Jim with the Instructional Referee programme. I’m currently a player and referee of many years so hopefully I can help fill the shoes of Mary-Elizabeth.

Both Jim and I are looking forward to 2023 season and looking forward to working with you all.

Kind Regards,

Jim Moreland – Referee Coordinator –
0417 465 814

Jason King – BHFC MiniRoo Referees – 0413 023 637 

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club


IMPORTANT: We have had to make changes to our grading timetable. Please check your session times carefully.

* All players should be registered prior to grading.
Register Here

* All juniors will need to grade
* If you can't attend grading contact us
* If you don't attend grading and don't notify us you wont be placed in a team.

* Girls turning 8 or 9 yrs old in 2023 attend 8 - 9yrs sessions
* Girls turning 10 or 11 yrs old in 2023 attend 10 - 11yrs sessions
* Girls turning 12 or 13 yrs old in 2023 attend 12 - 13yrs sessions
* Girls turning 14 or 15 yrs old in 2023 attend 14 - 15yrs sessions
* Girls turning 16, 17 or 8 yrs old in 2023 attend 16 - 18yrs sessions

* Seniors do not grade.
* Teams are formed among mates.
* Senior team managers who have not contacted Cath, contact her asap to advise your team will be competing in 2023.
* New players are welcome. If you don't have a team let us know and we'll place you in a team. Don't just register and presume we know your intentions. Keep us informed of where you are playing or if your teams need extra players.
* Scheduled times on the timetable are reserved for senior teams 'meet and greets' rather than grading.

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club

Jnr Presentation Information

Hi All,

Please find below the session times for junior presentation. They will be on both FB and the website. Pass this email on to all your players and remind them to check the website for updates.
All coaches, managers and players are encouraged to wear their anniversary polos to presentation

If your team will not be attending presentation please let Cath know. She won’t take awards for teams not attending as we have a lot to transport. Awards will be distributed to those teams at a time nominated after presentation. 

Age Coordinators will be asked to help at the door – advising teams where they will sit, and during the proceedings they will be at the bottom of the stage directing players up when it is their time. Floor plans and signs etc will be available for age coordinators. Cath will email you separately.

Coaches, managers and players will sit in the rows of seats at the front of the hall. Parents will be at the back.

Note times below:

  • 10.30am:  YG, U17/1, U16/1, U16/2, U16/3, U15/1, U15/4

  • 11.30am: U12- U14 + U13G, U14-15G

  • 1.00pm: Miniiroos and Minitildas U8 – U11, + U9G – U11G

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club


Wishing our teams competing in Semi Finals all the best this weekend. We have teams competing on all three days. Come along and cheer them on.


O30L/1 Blue Bernie Mullane #1 8.00pm

O30L/1 Red TH #3 8.00pm


U12/2 Bernie Mullane #5 11.00am

U13/1 Bernie Mullane #1 10.00 am

U13/3 TH#3 8.30am

U14/4 Caddies #3 8.30am

U15/1 Eric Mobbs #4 10.00am

U15/4 TH #2 9.30am

U16/1 Bella Vista #1 10.00am

U16/2 Arnold Ave #2 9.45am

U16/3 TH #3 11.30am

U17/1 Hills Centenary #4 11.15am

YL/4 Red TH #4 9.00am

AAM/12 TH #4 3.00pm

O35/1 TH #2 3.00pm

O35/2 Blue Bella Vista #1 1.00pm

O45/4 Red TH #3 3.00pm

O45/4 White TH #3 1.15pm


U14-15G/1 Hills Centenary #2 11.00am

AAL/2 Blue Hills Centenary #1 3.00pm

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club

The Primo Food Truck at Ted Horwood

We're hosting Ladies on Sunday, as well as a few make up games. As a special treat the Primo Food Van will be coming to Ted Horwood. Be sure to come and try some of the delicious food. Open 8.30 - 1.00pm

(Teams on canteen duty will help in the food van) Click the Duty Roster button below.

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Baulkham Hills Football Club Baulkham Hills Football Club

Be the Change, Let Them Play

Be the Change. Let them Play.

HFI's new campaign not only creates awareness, but also reinforces the responsibilities and behavioural expectations on our players, coaches, managers, referees, parents and spectators.

Accept the Challenge. Be game changers.

Let's make football a safe, inclusive and enjoyable environment for all.

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