Interim Training 2025
During March, Hills council re-seed TH2 & 3 in preparation for the Winter season. (That has already been completed - you must stay off these fields).
During this time, no football activity is allowed on these fields. As a result, the whole club is restricted to training on 3 fields:
TH 1, TH 4 & TH 5. In fairness to everyone we need to adopt the attached pre-season interim training schedule. Please share the space equitably and adhere to your designated times.
Field 1 will have the cricket pitch covered in turf at some point during March. We don’t know when, but TH 1 teams are reminded that they should not train on the new turf so it has a chance to ‘knit’. The pitch will be roped off, please train either side of the roped off area.
Baulkham Hills Cricket Club are the primary lease holders of Ted Horwood during March so they have primary use of any field with a cricket pitch as they prepare for their finals period. Please be respectful and stay out of their way.
To all our new teams: From April training will proceed as per your choice of training night. To book a training night for the regular season (as opposed to the pre-season which begins next week), all teams are asked to email at the conclusion of the meeting on Monday Night. Teams are allocated training sessions in order of their applications. You will be notified via return email to confirm your application has been successful.
For all our Funskills families: Funskills players are not involved in pre-season grading, training or trials. You will be contacted shortly about the season start for you. Til then we ask you to recruit players for our program and consider volunteering to help us provide an enjoyable and beneficial program for our littlest Kookas.
Thank you in advance for making all this work
Tony Hughes
BHFC President
Goal Posts Setup
Please meet at the Ted Horwood equipment sheds, which are located near fields 2 and 3, at 8.00 am sharp. Thank you in advance.
A Letter from Football Australia
Dear BHFC members,
Please see attached a letter from Football Australia regarding the roll out and use of the new PlayFootball system:
An Open Letter to the Australian Football Community
We also highly recommend referring to the below link for known issues with the platform:
Funskills Volunteers Wanted
Funskills Volunteers Wanted
Can you or a friend help us with Funskills? Our program is volunteer-led, and we need volunteers to fill the roles below. You don’t need to have a child in the program to volunteer—BHFC players, friends, siblings (age-appropriate), or relatives are all welcome!
Funskills runs every Saturday during the winter season from 8:15 AM. The program consists of a 30-minute training session followed by a 30-minute match. For more information about Funskills, visit our website:
Volunteer Roles
The coordinator ensures that match day supervisors have the necessary resources and equipment each week. They act as the main point of contact for general inquiries, assign players to teams, and communicate with families about program management.
Match Day Supervisor
Match day supervisors work with the coordinator to access equipment for each session. They oversee parents setting up and returning equipment and ensure that the program starts and finishes on time. They also help create a safe and respectful environment for players and families.
Coaches facilitate activity sessions and matches alongside a peer coach from that week’s partner team. Activities and resources are provided, and all coaches work together to support one another. No prior coaching experience is necessary—training courses are available for those interested. If you’d like to coach your child’s team, we can arrange that for you. Teams generally consist of 5 or 6 players, and both boys and girls are welcome.
All resources, session activities, equipment, and training gear are provided. Volunteers in these roles are not responsible for designing the program—their role is to ensure its smooth operation.
All enquiries 0434 539 435 (Cath)
Foundation of Football Coaches Course
Hills Football are putting on a Foundation of Football course for coaches.
If interested, see information and enrolment link below.
Where – Neutral Zone - Bella Vista Public School
Course – Foundation of Football
When – Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd of February – 9am to 2pm each day
Enrolment link -
Grading 2025
Junior grading timetable attached.
Our junior teams (both comp and non comp), are ability based to give our players the best opportunity to develop their skills and play competitively. Ability based grading is the best way to build teams to achieve these aims.
A couple of reminders:
* Attend both grading nights for your age group
* Grading is 2 weeks. However a third week may be required in the case of bad weather or unforeseen circumstances.
* Your age group is the age you turn in 2025 (even if your birthday is after the season concludes.)
* Attend the grading session for the age group you intend to play
* Reminder: HFI no longer has a 17s comp. 17 year olds now play in the U18s competition. Also, HFI replaced Youth League with U21. Ie 19-21 yr olds will play in U21.
HFI's YOUTH GIRLS comp for 16-18year old girls remains the same.
* If you intend to play 'out of age' you must let the grading coordinator know when you sign in
* Please make sure you sign in each night.
* Please arrive at least 10 minutes before your session commences so you can sign in and complete the admin tasks prior to the session kicking off.
* Please don't attend grading if you are sick
* If you can't attend grading you must notify the grading coord.
* Players should be registered prior to attending grading
Our girls Grading Coordinator is Belinda. She will be available each Thursday to assist you.
Belinda's email is:
Our boys/mixed Grading Coordinator is David. He will be available Tuesday and Wednesday nights during grading to assist you.
David's email is:
Registrations Now Open!
Welcome to season 2025!
Registrations are now open, however we are advising members to proceed with caution as there have been significant issues with the new Play Football registration system. These issues range from payment, to picture uploads, account details etc etc
IMPORTANT: Returning players please use your account details from last year. Don't create a new account and new FFA number.
If Play Football doesn't recognise your details it is because your playing record has not yet migrated from the old system to the new system. We suggest that you wait for a week and then try registering again.
FFA is aware of the problem and will continue to work on it.
If you have already registered with a new FFA number please contact our registrar Wendy who will forward the details to HFI to have them merge your records. Don't presume this will be done automatically, that is not the case.
Please be patient with regard to registrations. We are hoping these issues will settle in the coming days. We would ordinarily advise everyone to register early, but given the current problems we are suggesting you wait for another week.
Wendy can be contacted at:
However, please note that the current problems are not ones that Wendy can solve. They are FFA issues and Wendy will need to work with HFI to solve them. The best option is not to proceed with your registration if you are having issues this week. There is still plenty of time to register in the coming weeks.
Thank you,
Tony Hughes.
BHFC President.
BHFC Instructional Referees 2025
Welcome to the 2025 season!
Baulkham Hills Football Club (BHFC) has a proud history of preparing strong, confident, skilled Instructional Referees (IR’s) who continue through to referee with the Hills Football Association. IR’s referee small-sided youth games (U8 through to U11) under supervision of experienced referees.
2025 Applications
BHFC executive are inviting registered players to show an expression of interest to participate in the 2025 IR program.
NOTE: Play Football player registrations opened on January 1 but there have been problems with the Play Football site. If you are waiting to register as a player, still submit the attached expression of interest form to be an IR. Your place in the IR program will be confirmed after Feb 14th, by which time players should be registered to play for BHFC.
BHFC encourages both boys and girls to consider and apply for the IR program. Those wishing to participate must be:
· Registered players with BHFC
· 11 years of age on before 1 April 2025
Instructional referees who participated in the 2024 season must still apply. Applications close Friday the 14th of February 2025. Participation in the IR program is contingent on successful completion of mandated training sessions. Please note that due to restrictions in the number of IR’s required each season, not all applicants can be accepted into the program.
Next Steps
Please fill out the application form located here ( and wait for Jason or Jim to confirm the acceptance of the application. Once accepted, you will need to register with Hills Football via JotForm (
As part of the program, you’ll need to attend 1x theory course and 1x practical course ran by Hills Football. Ideally, we would all BHFC accepted IR’s to attend the course held on Friday night the 21st of February. If you can’t attend that night, please select another time, all course information can be found here ( under the heading "Instructing Referee Courses (11+)". The dates for the practical will be available once the theory courses are completed.
A further information night will take place at our club after the theory and practical courses are completed. This meeting will be for both IRs and their parents as we will go through pay procedures, game day appointments, what we ask of the parents etc..
For the 2025 season, I will be helping Jim with the Instructional Referee program alongside Peter McLoughlin and Terry Minton. We are looking forward to the 2025 season and looking forward to working with you all.
Kind Regards,
Jim Moreland – Referee Coordinator –
0417 465 814
Jason King – BHFC MiniRoo Referees -
0413 023 637
Castle Hill RSL.
Lyceum Auditorium
Session 1 10.30am U15/15G, U16, YG, U18.
Session 2 11.30am U12/12G, U13/13G, U14
Session 3 1.00pm U8/8G, U9/9G, U10, U11/11G
Players sit with their coach, manager and team mates, in the seats provided. Parents are welcome to attend and are asked to remain at the back of the auditorium. If neither the coach or manager are in attendance a parent representative of the team will sit with the players.
All coaches, managers and players are encouraged to wear their BHFC club polo if they have one, Polos have been reduced to $10 for the next couple of weeks for anyone who would like to purchase one online before presentation. Please be assured that while it is preferable, it is not compulsory to wear the polo.
Please let your coach/manager know if you can’t attend presentation. We have a lot to transport and won’t take awards for those not attending as they risk being lost. Arrangements will be made with teams not attending, after presentation to pass on awards.
If you are able to help during your session with either marshalling teams, directing players on to stage or manning the welcome table with the floorpan to direct teams to their seats please let Cath know 0434 539 435.
Thanks everyone,
We’ll see you all there as we celebrate season 2024.
Senior Presentation Night
Baulkham Hills Football Division - Senior Presentation Night
Date: Friday 18th October
Venue: Castle Hill RSL Club
Start time: 7.00pm.
Senior players and their partners are welcome.
All Senior Players and registered Coaches & Managers of a senior team (one of each per team) are invited our 2024 Senior Presentation night which includes a three course meal and a live band (Endless Summer Beach Party).
Volunteers Needed for Goal Post Pack Up
We're a after a few of our generous volunteers to help us take down the goal posts and pack up for the Winter season on Saturday 31st August at 8.00am.
No experience is necessary, we can show you what to do and how we store the posts. All we need is your energy and enthusiasm.
If you are able to help us please text Tony 0432 056 959
Thanks in advance to whomever can make it
Good Luck to all of our Finalists!
All the best to our teams competing this weekend. You've got this
Foundation of Goalkeeping Coaching Certificate Course
Date – 22nd, 29th of July
Time – 6:00 to 10pm
Location – North Rocks Park
Enrolment link -
Female Only MiniRoos Coaching Certificate
Date – 5th of June
Time – 6:30 to 9:30pm
Location – Ted Horwood Reserve
Enrolment link -
Save the Dates!
Please find attached a friendly reminder to mark these dates in your diary if you haven't already done so.
Interim Pre-Season Training Schedule
During March, Hills Council re-seed TH2 & 3 in preparation for the Winter season. During this time, no football activity is allowed on these fields.
As a result, the whole club is restricted to training on 3 fields: TH 1, TH 4 & TH 5.
We need to adopt the above pre-season interim training schedule. Age groups have been assigned a timeslot.
Please share the space equitably and adhere to your designated times.
Field 1 will have the cricket pitch covered in turf at some point during March. We don’t know when, but TH 1 teams are reminded that they should not train on the new turf so it has a chance to ‘knit’. The pitch will be roped off, please train either side of the roped off area.
Baulkham Hills Cricket Club are the lease holders of Ted Horwood during March so they have primary use of the field 1 as they prepare for their finals period. Please be respectful and stay out of their way so their training proceeds as normal.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Tony Hughes
BHFC President
0432 056 959
U18 Grading Postponed
U18 Grading postponed tonight (20/2/24) has been re-scheduled for Thursday Feb 22. Same time, same place. See you there
Junior Grading Timetable
Our junior teams (both comp and non comp), are ability based to give our players the best opportunity to develop their skills and play competitively. Ability based grading is the best way to build teams to achieve these aims.
A couple of reminders:
* Attend both grading nights for your age group
* Grading is 2 weeks. However a third week may be required in the case of bad weather or unforeseen circumstances.
* Your age group is the age you turn in 2024 (even if your birthday is after the season concludes.)
* Attend the grading session for the age group you intend to play
NOTE: HFI will have no U17s comp this year. 17 year olds will play in the U18s competition. Also, HFI have replaced Youth League with U21.
HFI's YOUTH GIRLS comp for 16-18year olds remains the same.
* If you intend to play 'out of age' you must let the grading coordinator know when you sign in
* Please make sure you sign in each night.
* Please don't attend grading if you are sick
* If you can't attend grading you must notify the age coordinators
* Players should be registered prior to attending grading
Please turn up 15 minutes before your grading session so you can sign in and be ready to go.
Our girls Grading Coordinator is Stevie. He will be available each Thursday night to assist you.
Stevie's email is:
Our boys/mixed Grading Coordinator is Dave who will be assisted by Mikel. They will be available Tuesday and Wednesday nights during grading to assist you.
Dave's grading email is:
Instructional Referee Applications are now Open!
Instructional Referee Applications now Open!
Welcome to the 2024 season! The season will kick off on the 6th of April. Baulkham Hills Football Club (BHFC) has a proud history of preparing strong, confident, skilled Instructional Referees (IR’s) who continue through to referee with the Hills Football Association. IR’s referee small-sided youth games (U8 through to U11) under supervision of experienced referees.
2024 Applications
BHFC executive are inviting registered players to show an expression of interest to participate in the 2024 IR program. BHFC encourages both boys and girls to consider and apply for the IR program. Those wishing to participate must:
Be registered players with BHFC, and
Be 12 years of age on before 1 April 2024.
Instructional referees who participated in the 2023 season must still apply. Applications close Monday the 26th of February 2024. Participation in the IR program is contingent on successful completion of mandated training sessions. Please note that due to restrictions in the number of IR’s required each season, not all applicants can be accepted into the program.
Next Steps
Please fill out the application form located here and attend the course at Hills Football on Friday night the 1st of March. This date has been set aside for BHFC members to attend, both new and returning IR’s will need to attend. The dates for the practical will be available once the theory courses are completed.
A further information night will take place at our club after registrations are completed and our IR team has been selected. This meeting will be for both IRs and their parents as we will go through pay procedures, game day appointments, what we ask of the parents etc..
For the 2024 season, I will be helping Jim with the Instructional Referee program alongside Peter McLoughlin and Terry Minton. We are looking forward to the 2024 season and looking forward to working with you all.
Kind Regards,
Jim Moreland
Referee Coordinator
0417 465 814
Jason King
BHFC MiniRoo Referees
0413 023 637